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How To Wake Up To Pray Fajr Prayer

Assalamu ‘alaikum dear brothers and sisters,

Of the obligatory prayers, there is one that is the hardest to pray, not because of the lenght of the prayer, in fact it’s the shortest with only two raka’ats (bows), but rather because of the time the prayer is prayed.

Fajr prayer holds a unique position in Islam, being the first of the five daily prayers and a distinct marker that separates Muslims from others in their devotion to Allah . The Prophet Muhammad emphasized its significance, stating that the two voluntary rak'ahs (sunnah) before Fajr are more valuable than the entirety of the world (Ahmed). The gravity of this prayer is further highlighted in the Prophet's words, "Do not leave the two rak'ahs of Fajr, even if you are being attacked by cavalry" (Ahmed).

In this article we will delve how to wake up for fajr.

To begin with, we have to understand one thing. Allah has already fixated the times of the prayers. In the Qur’an 4:103, Allah says: “Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times.”

This being said, Fajr, like any other prayer, is a divine decree. It's not an option; it's an obligation. YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP AND PRAY YOUR SALAH.

What prevents us to pray Fajr

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah , peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Satan ties three knots on the back of your head while you are asleep. On every knot he puts the saying: The night is long, stay asleep. When you wake up and remember Allah , one knot is undone. When you perform ablution, the second knot is undone. When you pray, the third knot is undone and you will wake up energetic with a good heart; otherwise, you will wake up lazy with a mischievous heart.” [Reference: Sahih al-bukhari 1142]

This hadith, reported by Abu Huraira, emphasizes the influence of Satan on an individual during their sleep and the gradual removal of this influence as they engage in acts of worship upon waking.

Satan takes advantage of the state of sleep, a vulnerable period for individuals, and ties three metaphorical knots at the back of the head. These knots symbolize the lethargy, laziness, and heedlessness that can accompany a person upon waking.

With each knot, Satan reinforces a suggestion to the sleeping person, encouraging them to continue sleeping by whispering, "The night is long, stay asleep." This is a symbolic representation of how Satan tries to prolong a person's slumber, keeping them away from acts of worship.

  • The first knot is undone when the person wakes up and remembers Allah . This emphasizes the power of conscious remembrance of God as a means to dispel Satan's influence.
  • The second knot is undone when the person performs ablution. Ablution is a physical and spiritual purification process that precedes the act of prayer. It symbolizes a transition from a state of physical and spiritual impurity to a state of cleanliness and readiness for worship.
  • The third and final knot is undone when the person performs the prayer. Prayer is the epitome of worship in Islam and serves as a direct connection between the worshipper and their Creator. It completes the process of breaking free from the negative influence of Satan during sleep.

If the person engages in remembrance, performs ablution, and prays, the knots are completely undone. As a result, they wake up energetic, spiritually rejuvenated, and with a good heart.

On the contrary, if the person neglects these acts of worship, the knots remain intact. Consequently, they wake up lazy and with a mischievous heart, implying a disposition toward negative thoughts or actions.

You might be interested in reading: How To Focus On Salah (Prayer)

How to wake up for fajr:


Start by makeing Du'aa, ask Allah to help you wake up to pray your Salah, ask Him to protect you from Shaytan so nothing stops you from praying.We learn a very beautiful dua from Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in the thirteenth juz’:

“Lord, make me and my offspring people who establish the prayer. Our Lord, accept my request.” (14:40)

رَبِّ اجْعَلْنِي مُقِيمَ الصَّلَاةِ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِي ۚ رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلْ دُعَاءِ

The great scholar Ibn Kathir comments that in making this dua, we are asking Allah to make us people who maintain and keep up with the prayer. Another great scholar of our tradition, Imam al-Qurtubi, mentions an interesting point that what is meant by “people who establish the prayer” is actually “people who are firm on Islam and adhere to its rulings.”

We also know how important the prayer was to Prophet Muhammad . The daily prayers were gifted to him at a time when his heart was broken, and they were a means of relief, comfort, and tranquility.

In a beautiful narration, he said, “The coolness of my eyes has been placed in the prayer.” When he would ask Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) to call the adhan and prepare for salah, he would say, “Oh Bilal, bring us comfort by announcing the prayer.”

Sleep Patterns

Establishing a consistent sleep routine is crucial for waking up for Fajr feeling refreshed. The human body follows a circadian rhythm, and a regular sleep schedule helps align this internal clock. Adequate sleep, ideally 7-9 hours, is essential for physical and mental well-being. Going to bed early ensures that your body has sufficient time to go through the various sleep cycles, including the crucial deep sleep and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stages. This way, when the Fajr prayer time arrives, you're less likely to feel groggy or fatigued.

For those who struggle to sleep early due to various reasons, including work or lifestyle constraints, compensatory daytime naps can be beneficial. Short power naps, ideally 20-30 minutes, can help mitigate sleep debt and make waking up for Fajr more manageable. However, relying solely on daytime sleep is not a complete substitute for a consolidated night's sleep.

Setting Alarms

Utilizing alarms strategically is an effective tool for ensuring timely waking. Multiple alarms can be set, each placed at a distance from the bed to necessitate physical movement for deactivation. This helps overcome the temptation to snooze and encourages immediate wakefulness. Modern technology offers various apps designed specifically for prayer times, allowing customization based on location and Fajr timing variations.

If you are living with someone, get them to wake you up if possible, let it be your parents, roomates or spouses.

Voluntary Prayer

Regularly engaging in voluntary prayers (nawaafil) serves not only as an additional act of worship but also contributes to maintaining spiritual consistency. The practice of nawaafil helps fortify one's commitment to the faith, acting as a buffer against fluctuations in imaan (faith). Given the voluntary nature of these prayers, their regular performance is often a reflection of an individual's sincerity and devotion.

Abandoning Sins

The spiritual impact of sins on one's ability to wake up for night prayers is a noteworthy consideration. Sinful behavior can weigh on the conscience, leading to a spiritual malaise that impedes the inclination to perform acts of worship.

A man said to al-Hasan al-Basri: O Abu Saeed, I sleep in good health, and I love to pray qiyaam al-layl, and I prepare water with which to purify myself, so why can I not get up? Al-Hasan said: Your sins are restricting you. He said, may Allaah have mercy on him, The slave who commits a sin will be denied the opportunity to pray qiyaam at night and to fast during the day.

Al-Fudayl ibn Ayaad said: If you cannot pray qiyaam al-layl, or fast during the day, know that you are indeed deprived and restricted, chained by your sins.

A man said to al-Hasan al-Basri: "O Abu Saeed, I sleep in good health, and I love to pray qiyaam al-layl, and I prepare water with which to purify myself, so why can I not get up? Al-Hasan said: Your sins are restricting you."Sufyan ath-Thawri said: "I was deprived of the night prayer for five months because of a sin I committed"

May Allah make us among those who pray Fajr and all our prayers punctually and consistently, out of submission and gratitude. Ameen.

Allah is the most merciful, so be patient and try your best. May this knowledge be beneficial to you, and if it was, remember, The Prophet said: "Whoever teaches some knowledge will have the reward of the one who acts upon it, without that detracting from his reward in the slightest." (Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah 240)

So make sure to share it with your loved ones.

Assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu and see you in the next article.


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